art thinking doing art. Artistic Practices in Educational Contexts from 1900 to Today – Symposien
The conference “art thinking doing art. Artistic Practices in Educational Contexts from 1900 to Today” opens a historical as well as contemporary investigation of the interrelationships between art education, art production and ideological contexts.
With contributions from scholars from twelve different countries, this project takes a uniquely broad perspective on the question of art education by also epistemologically situating the process of “knowledgization”* in broader discussions on the (inter-)materiality, (counter-)institutionality, (trans-)disciplinarity of artistic practices, and by using empirical case studies to examine their historical dimension in diverse geo-political contexts for the period from ca. 1900 to the present.
Two to three presentations are always followed by a corresponding workshop in which further case studies are briefly presented. The aim is to bring together examples with a high degree of innovation and diversity in order to address the broad geopolitical situation as well as to facilitate a more informed discussion, so that new theoretical, transdisciplinary approaches can be developed as a result of the conference. The workshop invites the public audience to participate in the discussion.
About the structure: Each panel consists of two to three lectures, followed by a workshop with further short presentations of case studies on the topic and discussion rounds open to the audience. Artistic perspectives are incorporated throughout the event, unfolding an Intervention Space whose fundamental characteristic is to be exploratory. Please find more information in the downloadable program.
The project was conceived, planned and organised by Sandra Neugärtner. Implementation was supported by Anna Brus. The project is funded by the Collaborative Research Centre 1512 “Intervening Arts” (DFG), the Leuphana University Lüneburg, the Berlin University of the Arts and the University of Cologne.
Registration is not a requirement but is heartily recommended due to limited space. Register here.
*The term “knowledgization” is borrowed from Tom Holert who attempts to develop a more comprehensive notion of knowledge that includes its politics and economies, of which changing relations to and within science and academia are a part.
Dr. Sandra Neugärtner