Journeys in place - Erzählabend mit Abbi Patrix – Performance
Am 9. Dezember lädt der Zertifkatskurs Künstlerisches Erzählen - Storytelling in Art and Education zu “Journeys in place” ein, einem englischsprachigen Erzählabend mit dem norwegisch-französischen Erzähler Abbi Patrix.
“Time suspended above the world and what it has to tell, this event brings together stories gleaned by the storyteller during a whole life spent travelling. Tales, legends, myths, anecdotes, intimate memories fill pages of his travel diary day after day. He offers simply to share his taste and love for these stories. To take us away to an unlikely dream world, to an impossible reality. To cross the planet by means of stories.”
Anmeldungen unter:
Berlin Career College